Fitur Deepfreeze 7
* Absolute Protection
* Guarantees 100% workstation recovery on restart
* Provides password protection and complete security
* Protects multiple hard drives and partitions
* Integration and Compatibility
* Supports multiple hard drives and partitions
* Supports multi-boot environments
* Compatible with Fast User Switching
* Supports SCSI, ATA, SATA, and IDE hard drives
* Supports FAT, FAT32, NTFS, basic and dynamic disks
* Localized in five languages: English, French, German, Spanish and Japanese
* Deployment Options
* Offers silent install option for rapid network deployment
* Provides option to deploy on multiple workstations as part of a master image
* DFC included in Workstation/Seed installations
Cara Instal Deepfreeze:
# Download Deep Freeze Standard 7.
# Lakukan instalasi.
# Saat proses instalasi, anda akan diminta memasukan serial. Masukan serial yang sudah saya berikan d paket download.
# Plih drive mana saja yang akan anda Freeze. Misal : Drive C.
# Komputer akan melakuan restart.
# Bila suda di restart, jalankan Deep Freeze Standard dengan cara tekan shift lalu klik2x icon
- Deep Freeze Portable | 7 MB
- Password :
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